Join our mailing list!

Merchant Services
There are 3 tiers of membership:
$100 - $250 Associate
$251 - $500 Full Membership
$501 & up Founder Membership.

Membership also includes 10% discount in the store, 2 complimentary tickets to a dinner in your honor in October and your club pin.
Member names are displayed in the current year roster on the web page, in the lobby and the story in the Greyhound Review.

Now you can put your adopted greyhound into the Fast Friend kiosk located in the lobby of the Greyhound Hall of Fame. Share your story. We love to tell everyone what wonderful pets retired greyhounds are! Every one is special. Your greyhound will be shown in the kiosk in the lobby of the Greyhound Hall of Fame in Abilene, Kansas as well as being seen online.
To add your greyhound, just “donate” your $25 by purchasing this item. Once you receive your confirmation number, visit the kiosk page and click on the ADD button. Complete the information on the form. Be sure to have a clear picture of your greyhound to upload for the display. Finally, watch your mail for your Hall of Fame Fast Friends certificate.

Donation Amount: *
(US Dollars)
$125.00    Associate Hall of Fame Club Member
$251.00    Full Hall of Fame Club Member
$501.00    Founder Hall of Fame Club Member
Select a program to donate to *